

Every space tells you what it wants to be. You just have to listen. I can help you translate.


From the first time my mother showed me how to thread a sewing machine at 13 I was hooked. Thus began a life long obsession with fabric, texture, color, shape, imagination, form and function, expression through physical objects, and creating spaces that feel truly alive and are meant to be lived in. 

This path of excitement started from creating upcycled clothing in high school then led to craft guild fiber arts in college and eventually into school to learn how to make industry standard custom draperies.  Through this unique trade I learned the ins and outs of interior design and discovered my ultimate goal and desire to not just limit my eye and skill to creating individual pieces but to creating entire homes.

Inspiration & Specialties

I always come back to deep roots in textiles. The ability to mix and blend unexpected and sometimes daring patterns comes with an innate ease. What generally makes people nervous is where I thrive.. from mixing vintage Turkish rugs with multiple layers of bold pillow fabrics or layering rich textures in neutral tones on a bed to choosing unlikely mixes of bathroom tile. I enjoy pushing the limits and coloring outside the lines to create one of a kind, artistic spaces. 

The thrill of the hunt. For me the most inspiring of all. Finding that perfect mid century painting that sets the tone for the entire room, or that one of a kind statement chair in the center of the living room is where I start many of my projects. As an antique dealer and art collector I’ve gained priceless knowledge and fine tuned my eye to find the perfect piece that sets your room apart and gives you that WOW factor

Design Theories

Don’t worry so much about what “goes” if you love it…it’s your style. It will go. 

Life is too short to live with ANYTHING you don’t love. Everything your eyes rest on, you lay beneath, or your feet touch should bring you joy. End of story. 

Your home is your life’s museum. Not to be untouched, unused, or admired from afar. But to be lived in, loved in, reinvented, adored and supported by. 

Favorite Projects

Anything that allows the creative juices to flow! Second homes and vacation rentals are some of my favorites. People tend to take more risks in spaces that are not their primary residence. It allows the freedom to play with concepts and ideas in ways you’ve always wanted to, but been a little nervous to actually do. Take some risks! 

But my favorite project of all is where you, the client are happy and get to live in a space that reflects your life, your heart, and how you love.


Every individual home is unique, therefore every individual project is unique and requires a slightly different order of operations to achieve your desired outcome.   

Wether you’re wanting an hour consultation on the layout of your living room or  are interested in staring a full scale home renovation, I have a well laid plan and comprehensive step by step process information on how it all works. Let’s start the conversation!